Todd was raised in Northport. His parents, Charles and Nadine Bryant, were godly parents that took him to church. At the age of 20, the Lord began to convict him of his sinful state. The Holy Spirit empowered the Gospel and through it the Lord caused him to trust Christ as His Savior.
In the summer of 1998 while the church was without a pastor, the Lord placed a burden on Todd to preach. The church immediately licensed him to preach and he began to fill the pulpit weekly at Sovereign Grace as well as some meetings at nearby sister churches. In December 1998, the church called Todd as pastor upon his ordination. After praying to the Lord for guidance, Todd accepted the call and the church ordained him that same month. Brother Milburn Cockrell presided over the ordaining council and Brother E. D. Strickland assisted. After a thorough examination including numerous theological questions, the council recommended to the church that they move forward with the ordination. The church voted to do so.
Todd has been the pastor of Sovereign Grace here in Northport since his ordination. He has been blessed to see many saved and baptized. He has preached for churches in 12 states. He thanks the Lord for many men of God that have been a great encouragement to him. However, 3 men deserve special mention in really taking him “under their wing”: The late Elder E. D. Strickland, the late Elder Milburn Cockrell and Elder Doyal Thomas.
The church has been blessed to begin a number of new missionary endeavors under Todd’s ministry including a (former) radio broadcast, a CD ministry, a tract ministry (including the printing of several booklets and books), a web-site and a newly authorized iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and Android app. Our prayer is that God would use us to reach the lost with the Gospel and edify the saved with the truth of God’s Word. Todd and wife Wendy were married August 28, 1993. They have 2 children, Wesley and Caleb.